Mastering The Art: Body Shot Combos Every Boxer Should Learn

Edited By yashovardhan sharma on Mar 04,2024
Blog / Mar 04,2024

Why is targeting the body so crucial in choosing your boxing combinations? Because by attacking the body, you sap your opponent's energy and diminish their willpower. This strategic move significantly enhances your chances of triumphing over your opponent in the ring. Here, we illustrate three body shot combinations that every boxer should master:

Combo 1: Double Jab - Jab - Cross To The Body (1-1-1-2B)

Initiate with two consecutive jabs (1-1) to provoke your opponent's response and prompt them to defend their face.

Follow up with a third jab to exploit their reaction.

Adjust your stance by slightly lowering your position.

Deliver a cross to the body.

Immediately after landing the cross, move in the desired direction to evade your opponent's reach. A skilled boxer will typically defend against or counter this cross with a hook.

Combo 2: Jab - Cross - Lead Hook To The Body (1-2-3B)

boxer man during boxing hiting heavy bag

Execute a standard jab-cross (1-2) combination, pivoting on your rear foot.

Slip to the side of your lead hand while bringing up your rear hand for protection.

Unleash a lead hook to the right side of your opponent's abdomen, targeting the liver.

Ensure to pivot your lead leg to generate rotational force and momentum.

Combo 3: Jab - Jab - Rear Hook To The Body (1-1-4B)

Boxer and his coach practicing some moves on a punching bag

Commence with two jabs (1-1).

This isn't the typical double jab; rather, both jabs are executed with complete retraction of the lead hand back to guard in between.

Follow up with a rear hook targeting the body.

Aim for the liver or ribs of your opponent, particularly if you are in an orthodox stance.

The Common Link Among These Combos

All three of these body shot boxing combinations incorporate the jab. The jab holds paramount significance in boxing because:

It regulates the distance between you and your opponent.

It lays the groundwork for subsequent punches.

When you string together multiple jabs against your opponent, they instinctively cover-up, restricting their field of vision and rendering themselves vulnerable to... body shots! Boxers frequently become fixated on "head-hunting" during bouts, focusing solely on targeting their opponent's head. However, directing your attack toward the body will impede your opponent's mobility, deplete their endurance, and erode their morale. As your opponent slows down and becomes less agile, it becomes easier to capitalize on openings for headshots and ultimately secure a knockout.

Understanding the Significance of Body Shots

Body shots are more than just punches thrown to the midsection. They serve a crucial purpose in wearing down your opponent, sapping their energy, and opening up opportunities for more significant strikes later in the fight. Here's why body shots should be a fundamental part of every boxer's game plan to be practiced in the boxing gym:

Weakening the Opponent

Targeting the body can significantly reduce your opponent's stamina and mobility, making them more vulnerable as the fight progresses.

Creating Openings

By consistently attacking the body, you force your opponent to lower their guard, creating openings for headshots or more impactful combinations.

Cumulative Effect

Unlike headshots that might not immediately show their impact, body shots have a cumulative effect, gradually draining your opponent's energy reserves throughout the fight.

Strategic Advantage

Mixing up your attack with body shots keeps your opponent guessing and off balance, giving you a strategic advantage in the ring.

Mastering Body Shot Combinations: Tips and Techniques

While learning these combinations is essential, mastering them requires dedication, practice, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you perfect your body shot game:


Proper footwork is crucial for delivering effective body shots. Work on your positioning and movement to create angles that allow you to land your punches with maximum impact.

Timing and Distance

Understanding the right timing and distance for each combination is key. Practice shadowboxing and sparring to develop a sense of when to unleash your body shots for maximum effect.

Mix it Up

Don't become predictable with your body shot combinations. Mix up your attacks, vary your angles, and feint to keep your opponent guessing and off balance.

Focus on Accuracy

Aim for specific targets when throwing body shots, such as the liver, solar plexus, or ribs. A well-placed body shot can have a much greater impact than a wild swing aimed at the general midsection.


Lastly, conditioning your body to withstand and deliver body shots is crucial. Incorporate strength training, core exercises, and conditioning drills such as cardio work into your routine to build endurance and resilience.

Developing Body Shot Mastery: Training Strategies

Mastering body shot combinations isn't just about knowing which punches to throwit's also about developing the skills and attributes necessary to execute them effectively. Here are some training strategies to help you enhance your body shot mastery:

Heavy Bag Work

Utilize the heavy bag to practice your body shot combinations with power and precision. Focus on maintaining proper form, generating maximum force with each punch, and visualizing your opponent's vulnerable areas. Incorporate both speed drills and power shots to develop speed, accuracy, and punching power.

Partner Drills

Work with a training partner to simulate real fight scenarios and practice your body shot combinations in a dynamic setting. Take turns playing the role of the attacker and defender, working on timing, distance, and counters. Incorporate defensive drills to improve your ability to evade and counter body shots effectively.


Shadowboxing is an excellent way to refine your technique, footwork, and movement patterns. Focus on fluidly transitioning between different body shot combinations, varying your angles and trajectories, and maintaining a high level of intensity and focus throughout the workout. Use mirrors or video recordings to analyze and correct your form.


Mastering body shot combinations is essential for any boxer looking to excel in the ring. By understanding the significance of body shots, learning essential combinations, and honing your skills through practice and dedication, you can become a more formidable and well-rounded fighter. So, next time you step into the ring, remember the power of body shots and make them a cornerstone of your boxing strategy.

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