Ever Wondered Why Boxers Run? Here Are The Key Reasons

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Mar 24,2022
Latest Update / Mar 24,2022

Many greats in boxing have said that running is the best training any fighter can do. One of the reasons why boxers run is that it is the best way of developing their foundational core to last the whole distance of a boxing match. A boxer can have the best hand speed or footwork on the planet. But if the legs are not conditioned to last beyond the initial rounds of a boxing match, it will count for nothing at the end. Fighters will often go for a run for several miles on the road and do this exercise nearly every day. This will be apart from the sparring and gym routine. Various levels of boxers will do less or more of running and combine it with their routine based on their personal requirements.


For instance, an amateur fighter competing in smaller matches will not have the same running requirements as a professional boxer who has to prepare to last a lot longer. The consistency of running is very important, but it is also crucial to be aware of the requirements regarding frequency and distance.


Reasons Why Boxers Run


The major reason why boxers run is that it builds great stamina. Such running activity will create the baseline endurance required for a boxing match and a much lengthier sparring session. Boxing demands very high work efficiency from the nervous system, and the heart and running exercise are good for making both of them robust. It is one of the least taxing and safest methods of keeping the heart rate up for a long period. Wanting to increase the overall aerobic threshold is also one of the reasons why boxers run. There are also great benefits for footwork and leg endurance. For a long time in boxing history, running was seen as a simple routine exercise that every boxer had to do. The fighter would get up early in the morning and do a long run at a constant speed. They would repeat the same thing the next day.


But with the swift advancement in sports science, many individuals have discovered that there are many other methods to prepare the physique for a boxing match. The problem with many boxers today is that they do not seem to have more endurance than those who used to fight many years ago. Despite what many fighters and coaches may inform the public, there are still many reasons why boxers run. That is why the top boxers in the world continue the practice to this day. But for the best usage of the training energy and time given on the sessions on the road, fighters should take the top methods of both the traditional and the new. This means that they should add intervals of varying intensities and exercises to their usual runs.


Another advantage of roadwork is completely mental. Running long-distance is not easy and also takes a lot of time. But it gives the boxer the confidence that they have done the required amount of work and are prepared for the battles ahead. Also, the time spent running is a great chance to visualize various techniques, boxing in the match, or several other types of mental training utilized quite often by the best boxers.


Why Boxers Run With a Structure


Running at a constant speed is very good. But it is still not the top method to spend time while running. Some other variations and exercises make road running much more efficient. One of the drawbacks of classic running is that it is completely aerobic. But boxing is mostly anaerobic as it consists of rounds where the energy expenditures vary. Sometimes there are rests, low-intensity movement, and often explosive bursts. This is where sprints come in handy for the boxer. Research has shown that short-distance sprints are the best method to create boxing-specific physical attributes. Another great method is hill sprints. They are quite short in distance, but the difficulty levels are much higher. There are not many things in the world that can build the anaerobic capabilities of the body, like sprinting.


A great method to increase running effectiveness and make it more specific for boxing is adding movement that focuses on different directions. The runner can do the shuffle sidestep on a single side and then on the opposing side. They can also perform some ducks and dips and do diagonal movements like those performed during a boxing match in the ring. The boxers can also practice running backward. Most people are only used to moving in the forward direction. So, running backward for even short distances is a challenge for the muscles and the entire body completely differently. Another great thing is that boxers can throw light punches while running. Such types of movements are often shown in movies about boxing. Surely, the movies hype up the exercises. But these are indeed quite effective and build great endurance in the shoulders when performed properly for an extended period.


The runners can also add intervals of high-intensity exercises. It can be done by performing plyometric exercises that will make things exciting and create an explosive demand on the whole body. This can include exercises such as push-ups, jumping lunges, and burpees. Everything will work well if it is of sufficient intensity. It can also be added at certain points of time during the entire run. This is how modern high-intensity protocols are combined with the usual road running. Building aerobic capacity may be one of the reasons why boxers run daily. But an elliptical trainer, rowing machine, swimming, and cycling can also keep your heart rate steady at the levels required for a long time.


Why Boxers Run in the Morning


Professional fighters prefer to run daily. Most of the people running usually do it in the morning so that they can be ready for their regular training and sparring sessions later in the day. If a person is just starting out, it is best to first develop the base endurance and not overexert the body. The training for boxing is quite difficult, and newbies should not tire themselves out with a lot of running. A few half-hour running intervals per week are enough when a person starts out. When it comes to the intermediate boxers, it is best to keep it under four times per week. The optimal days for running are when there are no training sessions scheduled in the latter part of the day. This will keep the boxer ready to learn and fresh. Once the trainee thinks they have reached a good form, they can start running in the morning and then perform their boxing sessions in the evening or the afternoon.


Why Boxers Run Wearing Running Shoes


After the trainee has created a plan to start running, it is best to get their overall gear in order to run. It is vital for the boxer to kit themselves in the right running gear. The most important aspect of it is a great pair of running shoes. If the trainee has the budget, we recommend getting rid of their old shoes as they can hinder their running performance and cause injuries. When it comes to the outfits to wear while running, many people opt for wearing t-shirts and heavy cotton jumpers in the winter. But this apparel can remain wet and unsuitable for the body in cold temperatures. In warmer locales, it can cause chafing. We do not recommend wearing completely cotton clothes while running.




There are several reasons why boxers run. Running on the road has been a vital part of training for the sport since the very beginning. It has got some bad rep over the past two decades. But it is still a major element of a great boxing training regimen. You cannot just go on a simple run. That is best for casual fitness enthusiasts and marathoners. Boxing runs prepare the fighter for the rigors of a boxing match, sparring, and gym training.